Sunday, December 21, 2008

My "Christian" Duty

While going through the checkout line at Target last night, a woman called over to me from the neighboring counter to ask if I had a $1.83. As I gave her the money she needed, she gave me the reassurance that it was for a worthy cause by saying, "It is for my son so I can buy him the present he wants". I didn't really think that much of it until I walked outside and her husband was in the parking lot asking for the same amount of money for his son's present. It got me thinking, how have I contributed to turning Christmas into the consumer-driven tradition that it is. These two parents were so stressed to buy their son a "thing" that they were willing to beg to complete strangers. I wonder what it was they bought him, I wonder if he knows what they went through to buy it, I wonder if anyway it will communicate to him the magnitude of the actual reason we celebrate this time of year. But most of all I wonder what Jesus thought of that whole interaction. Was he pleased that I gave them $2.00 or was he saddened that I didn't stop and tell them that they didn't have to buy their son something they couldn't afford. Imagine the freedom they could be living in knowing that they could let go of the pressure that fills our lives around Christmas and just know that there is no gift they could give that comes close to the grace of Jesus Christ. I guess I have hit my wall. It is just stuff.